Friday, January 23, 2009

Tuesday, January 20

Ryan, Pat and I were dropped off in Victoria Valley to collect 1-3 points that were previously scheduled for a helo support day, but canceled last week when we had so many weather problems. It should have been a pick-up, but Paul asked us to walk in, because he and Ziggy and Michell had close support all day and another helo was not available. They were important points, within the intersection of 3 images, so we would get a 3x return on our investment, but more thoughtful planning would have precluded us from doing this hike. Michelle asked the helo when they were done for the day if they could pick us up, but the schedule said no. So, she knew right away in the morning we were going to hike too far.

However, being dropped off about 10, and collecting the 3rd point by 12, we were at the imagery location where no more points were needed, and we had about 16 mi. to hump back. At least 3-4, possibly 5 mi., were uphill through a boulder field. I left a leather glove and hand-held GPS at one location, but I didn’t care. We tried to walk/hike/climb 40 min. and rest 10, but we sometimes had to stop sooner. I essentially did a marathon. Not as far, but very difficult terrain, hauling a 20-pound pack, and not in very good shape. We made it to camp at 8:10 p.m. Much more than 2 combined hike days should be. I forgot my camera battery before we left, so no photos. As it should be. This was a very down day. I never looked up once to see the scenery. My only memory is gravel and rocks and boulders underfoot.

When we finally got back, I drank 2 juice boxes, some water, and a beer, had some salty nuts, trying to avoid cramps tonight. Then Ziggy made halibut and rice pilaf which was very tasty. A couple of shots of scotch, and I hit the sack. I was very surprised to have slept, did not have cramps, and very little RLS.

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